Sunday, August 18, 2013


Some people are just naturally mean. They have no redeeming qualities. Not so you say...the worst criminal in the world has at least one positive quality.  Perhaps, if you put him under a microscope and studied him for days, you might find something positive to say, "oh, he has the richest red blood cells." But we are not talking physical traits but living...everyday living and interacting with others... the second most important commandment--love your neighbor as yourself.

Now I don't mean to get preachy but this Kitten Caper started with a mean man capturing a mother cat and calling the authorities.( This man is known to go to church every time the doors are open.)  At times he has left the cages sitting out in the rain and cold hours before they were picked up by animal control He has to know that some are people's pet who live in his neighborhood. but he has no feeling for these animals

I was called by a friend who lives across the street from the neighbor whose garage became the safe haven for the kittens.  The garage door had been left open giving the mother cat easy access. The young woman heard a faint meowing and hurried with a flashlight to find what she suspected.  Yes, there were five tiny kittens with their eyes not open. She is an avid animal lover and immediately the seriousness of the situation hit her. The mother cat must be found. She looked all through the neighborhood and finally was told by one person that she was almost certain she saw the animal control people pick her up.

She was in a panic.  Who had time to feed these five kitten?  The animal shelters couldn't take them.  They didn't have enough staff to feed five less-than- a -week-old kittens.  The Shelter in North Myrtle Beach did send out an email seeking volunteers to feed them.  No luck..

I'm a soft touch for kittens and I knew I must try to help. I didn't have anything that could be used for feeding so I made a trip to Petco. They saved the day with special milk and bottles and nipples just for that purpose.

When I arrived my friend was upset thinking one of the kittens had died. The others were crawling over this tiny, still one.  I quickly retrieved it and began to  try to rub some life into the tiny creature. A few times he took a deep breath and raised his head with great effort.  I knew he was not fully developed and it would be a blessing when he took his last breath  But it is natural to hope life will continue.

In a short time the young lady from across the street returned with good news.  Her sister who lives in North Carolina would take the kittens!  She prepared the little meowing balls of fur for the trip.(  The lady in the pet store said that keeping them warm was important).  She made the little weak kitten a bed in a shoe box

I was thinking how I wish we had a video of the afternoon activities to show the mean man next door. Although, I doubt that it would have touched his cold heart.

On the third day I could wait no longer.  I called to check on the five kittens.  The little one died that first day after  arriving at the kind sister's home. The others are doing well and their eyes are open.  It takes forty-five minutes to feed them and  they eat every two hours. Such a sweet, patient young woman!  You are an angel!
Darlene Eichler, Cat lover and author of "Where's the Kitty?"

Feel free to write your stories of pet rescues.


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