Wednesday, November 16, 2011


    There was little recess in the morning that lasted fifteen minutes.  This was just enough time to go to the restroom and have a quick snack.  We weren't concerned with healthy food...a lollipop or a two-cent piece of candy would do.  Did we bring these goodies from home?  No, they were available for a few pennies down in the basemen,  usually sold by one of the lunchroom ladies.  There was time after lunch for a few minutes of recess,  but what we all looked forward to was "big recess" at 2:00, a thirty minute time period for play and making or breaking new friendships.  Sometimes in good weather there were ballgames to participate in if one desired, or we could be the cheering section.  Most of the time the teachers were there but trying not to be noticed
     Big recess meant different things to different students. You might see groups of girls jumpimg rope or playing jacks. You were more likely to see boy shooting marbles.  Once in a while a girl would display dirty knuckles.

     There was a patch of woods behind the playground. A temptation to many..  Teachers discouraged us from going there.  I'm certain they knew those who did were up to no good! No doubt some of the older boys stole a kisses and "smokes."  The girls informed one another of the "facts of life." I remember some of the lessons told by the girls who had older sisters which turned out to be all wrong.  I was certainly happy to find that kissing did not cause babies!

     We were able to buy ice cream and other snacks at big recess--if we had  a nickel or  dime. That sounds so simple in this day and time but money was scarce in the forties and early fifties.  Most of the children in our school came from extremely poor families.  The teachers kept a closet of extra clothes just in case a child came to school without enough clothes to keep them warm.  I'm sure this was quite a task in our cold mountain climate.

      There was a time after WORLD WAR II when surplus food was sent to schools in poor communities.  We would take prat of big recess to go into the basement to receive a government snack.  It might be dried figs or dates and fruit juice. I remember apricot because that was a new flavor to me; whatever it was we ate it with no complaints.

     Big recess was a time to make and cultivate  friendships.  I'm not sure the boys were as concerned with this as the girls.  They were either  friends. or rivals. Their disagreements were settled quickly and without holding grudges. Girls, on the other hand, delighted in dragging out an argument until it became a permanent condition.

     Girls, small and big, had cliques and each had different reasons for existing.  The ones who were excluded were hurt and the ones included felt in control.  There were times when the teachers had to intervene if things got out of hand.  It was a rare occasion when the boys had need for teacher interventions.  They seemed to be m ore interested in playing sports than in bickering among themselves.

     Looking back to these days of big recess with its freedoms and life lessons, I believe it served a more important role in our school experience than many of the classes and academic activities.  It served as classes in psychology, sociology, ethics, sportsmanship, economics, biology and physical education.  Lessons were learned that became part of our philosophy of life.

I hope this memoir brought back some good memories for you.  Your comments are welcome.



  1. Recess was a time to play football. I remember picking teams and hoping to score a touchdown! Who had time to talk... let's play! That was so important to me in the younger years. Later in middle school and high school would come time to talk- to girls.


  2. I'm so glad you shared this again! Makes me long for the old days. Standardized testing is more important than ANYTHING now! :(
