Friday, September 25, 2015





My mind won’t quit thinking about walls.  I have tried to put the word in the recesses of my mind but it seems that everyday I am reminded of walls, one kind or another.  The first time I started to think about the meaning of the word in relationship to the immigrant situation.  One of the many politicians running for president made the statement that if elected, he would build a wall like one has never seen to end the alien problem with Mexico.  My immediate thought was that we are not a nation of wall builders but one of tearing down walls.  If we had built walls to keep out immigrants many years ago, we no doubt would be living in our ancestors’ home country.  America is a country built by immigrants.  Then I began to think of the definition of walls.  There are walls built of almost any material--wood, stone, steel, hedges, and many other  barriers.  There are walls to keep people and things in and walls to keep out intruders--political walls, walls of social classes, walls of prejudices, we can go on forever.  Walls do not have to be built of tangible materials.  We build walls all around our space without lifting a tool. Our body language, our persona, and our words become impenetrable barriers.

The Pope spoke of the negative effects of walls in relation to the displaced throngs of immigrants flooding Europe.  I have stopped watching news programs where this massive problem is shown.  I cannot watch and get my mind around the inhumanity to man reflected in the faces of frightened and hungry children.  There was just a tiny glimmer of hope with the Pope stressing the need to help the downtrodden.  “Do unto to others as you would have them do to you.”

Perhaps more of our world leaders heard and will heed the Pope’s urging.

What can I as one person do?  I will start with those personal walls of  blindness to social injustice, to prejudice, to economic unfairness, and to religious intolerance.  I will be more conscious of my churches programs for those in need, whatever the cause.  I will personally continue my Christian service for the hungry, the sick, and the homeless.  I will work to help educate those who need to learn the basics of education that will give new meaning to their lives.  I want to give back and share the wonderful resources given to me by my parents, my church, and my teachers.  All cared about the younger generation.  Walls were not built.  We were given freedom to follow our dreams.

To paraphrase the former President Reagan, "Mr.  Gorbachev tear down this wall."
And the wall came tumbling down to the shock and amazement of the world.

Let us tear down our walls of hate and control, never to rebuild them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


No, not my book, (although I have two new ones out) John, my son's book.  The memoir that bares his soul in the telling of being in a controlling religious cult.
It was a difficult one to write.  I know.  We have talked and emailed for hours on end. I can say that every time we were together for the past two years, the book was the center of our conversation. Don't get me wrong.  I was proud to be a part of it and I would like to think I helped in some way.

The book, "Locked In," is powerful.  It will shock, surprise, bring you to tears and warm your heart in places.  It will answer so many questions.  Questions about how someone could end up in a cult, or how you know you are in a cult, and how to escape from the cult.  You will find yourself saying, "no way that could take place today.  You will be amazed at the hypocrisy and turning away from the truth.  You will wonder if you would ever be drawn into such a group.  Would the time ever be right that they could satisfy your needs take you in? You will find answers to such questions as to why they don't celebrate Christmas, all holidays, and birthdays. So many little things that one never thinks about being forbidden by God can be humorous.

So many persons have asked for months when is the book coming out.  Well this is your lucky day.  Go to Amazon and purchase one.  You will be glad you did.  It is an eye opener for some and for others it is a reaffirmation of what they went through as a member of this group.  My son has done a great job with his first book!