Saturday, September 7, 2013


As I sat down to write a tribute to my friend, Vera, the thought came to me that this is happening too often of late (several of my dearest friends have passed away recently) but then I remember how old I am. It doesn't seem possible that I have lived so many years. I don't feel old in my mind. But it's true I have lived many places, made many acquaintances, Christmas card friends, and a few friends who have made impressions in my heart. Vera was that kind of friend. She was a "no fluff' friend---no pretense, no frills, only honesty, even if it hurt a little ! She had spunk, a "do it and get it over " philosophy. I never saw her in action in the classroom but I would guess the students gave her their respect and love. She would never put herself on a pedestal above them. I'm certain they felt her respect as they looked into her eyes

In the years before her illness, Vera amazed me with her energy and enthusiasm for life. I envied her swimming ability. She had a zest for living life to the fullest even in the retirement years. Perhaps Brooks had something to do with her young way of thinking.

 In the years of her illness, Vera, amazed me with her energy and enthusiasm for life. The zest for living was still there. Oh, there were probably some days she prayed for Our Lord to take her home but she knew He would in His own time. Because of the results of her illness she could not be as energetic but the spirit remained. How could I omit her wonderful sense of humor? And her love for the South Carolina Gamecocks? The day she passed away I was in a store looking for a sock monkey Gamecock!
 What a wonderful surprise when the doors of the parish hall opened one evening just as a Daughters of the King meeting was beginning and in came Vera pushed in a wheelchair by Helen. We thanked God for His goodness and mercy.

 I could go on and on about Vera Ann Young Eastridge but those of you who knew her well, Ken and her children and grandchildren, her friends, the Daughters of the King, her Church family--she was Vera, true to herself, her family and faithful to her God.

 And the bravest person I ever knew.

 Rests in peace my friend.

Darlene Eichler, a friend and sister-in-Christ.

 September 4, 2013